The Loss of a Dear Friend

The community in Tacoma, WA has lost one of it’s incredible members. She was a dear friend and an amazing artist. I am heartbroken. So much loss and tragedy in this world. If you are able to help out, I posted a link above to the fundraiser for her family.

I first met Chandler at a wonderful craft market that is beloved to the Tacoma community, Tacoma is for Lovers Artist & Craft Fair at King’s Books. It was a few years into my business and she had a table at the market not too far from mine. When there was a lull in the shoppers, I went over to Chandler’s table and couldn’t stop talking to her about all of the amazing creations she had. I was not familiar with her work prior and was forever changed. She was so kind and friendly. She made you feel like you had know each other for years.

I would see her here and there around town but the best conversations were always had at the craft fair. She had the warmest smile and an infectious laugh. Our collective hearts are broken and things are forever changed. I will hold the light you shared with me in my heart and share it with all those who will listen. Chandler is gone far too soon and we are forever changed.


Mourning Market Seattle


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